Monday, August 7, 2017

8/7/17 - Purpose and Duality

Why am I here?
What is the purpose of life?
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself those questions?
It's safe to assume that most of humanity has, at some point or another, wondered the exact same things. Asking themselves, "why do I exist?" A lot of energy went into making us exist, and so it must have been for some reason . . . right?

Existential philosophers have often addressed this problem of not knowing our purpose in life. At times it has been referred to as: The Absurd. Because we have an innate desire to know and understand our existential meaning and purpose, and yet there is no one who can give it to us. And this paradoxical existence appears absurd.

Some philosophers, such as Viktor Frankl developed theories on the idea that meaning isn't a static element or a finite conclusion that one reaches. Instead, meaning is derived through the active process of seeking for it in any given moment. As such, your meaning, your purpose can be as fluid as water, and can take any shape that it needs to in any given circumstance.

One story says that in the beginning, there was nothing. And out of that nothing, god created the heavens and the earth. And god stepped back to view it, and saw that it was good. But god realized that there was no one else to observe the majesty of his creation. And so out of the mud of the earth, god created man. After man was made aware, he stood up and gazed upon god's creation and marveled, "Why did you make this wonderful creation?" God replied, "Does there have to be a reason?" To which, man replied, "yes, of course!" So god said, "Then I will leave it up to you to decide the purpose of it's creation." And with that, god left the man amidst all of creation, to decide for himself what it meant.

A verse taken from the Tao Te Ching, and translated by Reverend Devan Divine states:

It is not possible for your purpose to take sides;
it uses opposition to experience it’s existence.
Nor is it possible for a Trained Mind to perceive sides;
it sees only itself, both in saints and sinners.

Your purpose is always providing 
it is pure yet infinitely capable.
The more you act on it, the more it produces through you;
the more you try to define it, the less you get experience it.

To comprehend it, is to live it.
Naturally expressing from within, 
a flow, without discernment of hinderance. 
Tao Te Ching Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne
Tao Te Ching - 

Your life has purpose. You are not here by accident. So why can it seem like finding your purpose can be so hard? And the harder you try to find it, the further you seem to be from it?
The answer is: Because the more you try to define it, and isolate what it is; the more you try to find it - the more you are reaffirming to yourself that you don't know it.

The reality is that you are your purpose, and you could never be anything BUT what you actually are. You are experiencing your purpose right now, even though you may not have previously been able to recognize it as such. In order to comprehend your purpose, you need only awaken to the realization that you are living it with every breath you take. You needn't be afraid of "doing it wrong" or missing out because you weren't able to put it into words. You are divine purpose manifested, and all that you do is an extension of that purpose. Stop looking for your purpose, and realize that you already are your purpose. Then go out and live it, unhindered by fear, doubt, or uncertainty. The more you act on it, the more it produces through you.

Are you meant to be a saint or a sinner? Purpose doesn't distinguish between the two. It exists in all things, and doesn't discern between oppositions. It isn't necessary to do "what is right" or avoid that "which is wrong"; only do that which is meant to be done by you, and let purpose manifest magnificently in your life.

Your life is the universe fulfilling its purpose. You are not a physical being having a spiritual experience; You are an infinite spiritual being, having a temporary physical experience. And the experience that you are having in this temporary physical world, is part of your infinite spiritual purpose. You have always been fulfilling your purpose beautifully and perfectly.

Listen below to the insightful conversation that inspired this post:

Or on YouTube:
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